Tuesday 5 July 2016

Researching Genre

The Most Popular Genre?
In my research I have found that the most popular film genre of all time is action and/or adventure, this is supported by IMDb where their top two most popular genres are action and adventure (source: http://www.imdb.com/genre/ ). Movies of this genre tend to make record breaking ticket sales, such as Avatar (worldwide grossing $2,788.0) or Titanic (worldwide grossing $2,186.8), and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (worldwide grossing $2,068.2). An audience would go to watch an action adventure movie because there would be a great amount of action going on such as a chase scene or a battle. I think that the reason people would go to see an action/adventure film is mostly for the reason of escapism. Adventure films such as Star Wars and Avatar allow the audience to see fantasy worlds that are far different from our own, adventure films in general would take the audience on an story that they will likely never experience themselves, and that is why people are attracted to these films.
Source for grossing: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/world/

The site: http://www.the-numbers.com/market/genres , tells us the market share of 15 different genres of films. Adventure has the biggest total box office of £42,584,413,576 from 676 movies. The genre that is placed 2nd in this list is comedy,  totaling £42,000,406,741 from 2,241 movies. The fact that adventure movies have gained £584,006,836 more than comedy movies despite having 1565 less films shows that adventure is of a much greater popularity as there is a bigger audience for these movies. 

This website: http://bozell.com/most-popular-movie-genres/ shows two charts about what the most popular genres are, the first chart shows what movie genre people like to see most in the theatres, the result was action adventure. The second chart shows what the most popular genres are by race, the majority of all ethinicities preferring action and adventure the most as well. The source that this website used is the Neilson Company, a company that monitors what consumers watch and buy. However this source was made back in 2013 and 2012, so there is a chance that this can be outdated.

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