Sunday 27 November 2016

Research Into Insitutions That Distribute Similar Products

Warner Bros
Crime Films they have distributed:

  • Gangster Squad 
  • The Dark Knight
  • Live By Night
  • The Accountant
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Se7en

The target audience for these films are generally for a mature audience, they are all rated PG 12 or 15. For films such as Se7en and The Dark Knight, the audience that might be attracted will be around their late teens to their early 30s. 
This is a major film distribution company that distributes many of the mainstream films of a whole range of genres and target audiences of all ages. Many of their films are well-known and very successful, starring big-named actors and directors. Given how our film will not feature anyone famous and does not have a high budget, it will be unlikely that Warner Bros would consider distributing our film as they do not appear to take much interest in small- independent low budget productions but rather mid- high budget films.However if they were to show an interest, it would leave a better impression on the audience as they would think that our film will be of the same quality as the high budget blockbuster films.

Crime films they have distributed:
  • Now You See Me (via subsidary Summit Entertainment)
  • Criminal (via subsidary Summit Entertainment)
  • American Psycho 
Lionsgate has its own placement in the UK. It has distributed films such as Now You see Me, Criminal and American Psycho. The type of audience Now You See Me stars big named actors such as Jesse Eisenburg and Dave Franco, and might attract is those in their 20-40s. American Psycho and Criminal might attract a slightly older audience as American Psycho features a great amount of violence that will not be appropriate for young audiences and was made 13 years before Now You See Me. Criminal stars Kevin Costner, who was 61 years old at the release of the film, and so an older audience might find the film more relatable. 

As Lionsgate has multiple subsidary companies that distribute a great range of genres of films that are targeted towards audiences of all ages. Their films appear to range from high-low budget both mainstream and independant, therefore it is very possible that they could distribute our low-budget indepandant film. 

Arrow Films
Crime films they have distributed:
  • 52 Pick Up
  • River
Arrow Films is a lesser-known, UK-based distributor company. They appear to distribute mainly independant horror films and very little crime films. The films they distribute are very little-well known, which I do not think will be very beneficial for our film, especially since they so not specialise in the distibution of crime films. On the other hand, our film is an independant low-budget, it will be likely they would conider distributing it as many of their films are within this category.

The Works Film Distribution
Crime films they have distributed:
  • Kill Your Darlings
  • The Killing of John Lennon
  • Havoc
The Works Film Group specialises in the distribution of independant feature and documentary films. Looking at their website, the films that they often distriute are comedies and romances, and that there is a lack of crim films. This could benefit The Works if they were to distribute our film as it will help to fill a gap in their market. As our film is also an independant, it will be likely that The Works will consider distributing our film. However, as it is not well heard of, nor are the films they distribute, there is a chance that our film would not obtain much publicity and it may be thought of low-quality compared to the films that are distributed by major distribution companies.

How will this research affect my ideas?
In order to make our trailer appear more professional, we can incorporate the logo of a distribution company at or near the start of our film trailer, and if that distribution company is a major company then it will make the audience believe that our film is of high-quality, similar to films produced by major studios, rather than a low budget independant. If there was one particular distribution company whom would distribute our film, I believe Lionsgate would be the best choice. As reasons mentioined before, Lionsgate is a well known distributer, is UK based, and has subsidery companies which also distribute mainstream and independent films. If we show their logo in our trailer then our audience will know that this film will be of the same quality of other films they have distributed, such as The Hunger Games and Now You See Me, which are very popular films. Warner Bros appears to distribute only mainstream, high budget films so they will not be likely to consider distibuting our film. Though they dal with independant films only, Arrow is very much horror based, so distribution for our film will likely not benefit them nor us as they are experienced dealing with another market, and The Works distributes films that are barely heard of, therefore this would benefit the reputation of our film as an audience might think that it will not be worth watching if it was not distributed by a major company.

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