Wednesday 22 February 2017

Film Trailer Production: Vlogs

Shooting Day #1 - The Woods
Here is a vlog made by my group member Georgina Gilbey, documenting how our first day of filming went in the woods. The scene consisted of Georgina's brother, Ryan Gilbey (playing the role of Connor) hearing a noise in the bushes, turning towards it, and also running through the woods for our montage scene. It was late in the day when we filmed, and it progressively got darker towards the end of the shoot, so there was an issue of not having enough light to capture the scene with decent lighting. However, this did help to make the scene more dramatic and it can potentially be edited in Adobe Premiere Pro to make it brighter if needed.   

Shooting Day #2 - RAF North Witham
We decided to go to RAF Witham (now Twyford Wood) as we knew that we would have access to the site since it is now public property. Unfortunately, after a long walk up to the control tower, it was fenced off with signs saying 'authorised access only', this was probably because the building is now too old and unstable for any public member to enter. We compromised and decided to use the remains of what was a raised platform or a bridge to shoot our scene with Eve. We filmed in mid-day when the sun was strongest, which made Dominika (who played Eve) look pale and sickly, like we wanted as it makes it more believable that she is a drug user. There was large areas of thick ice on the ground which we had to look out for when we were moving around to change camera angle. We also filmed a section in the woods near the car park where Eve is walking along whilst holding the pill bottle and acting 'high'. Since it was a narrow and slippery muddy path surrounded by nettles and thorny plants either side, we were limited with the amount of space we could walk around in this area, and caught people in the background of a few shots. 

Shooting Day #3 - Park
In this scene, Alice and George are required to have a conversation about the disappearance of Eve. To prepare for this, we created a script.

This vlog was made by myself. Though it was cold and wet, the weather on this day was perfect for filming as it was extremely foggy, which made for an interesting background. Filming went fairly smoothly on this day, although there was a great number of outtakes where actors would forget their lines or where they would look at the camera when talking, or for instance in the scene in which Alice (Reannah McNee) would be running, a woman and her two dogs would walk into shot, and later the dogs would directly greet Reannah as she exits the gate, so  we had to switch to another gate on the other side of the park, albeit the background was less interesting and you can see two students walking in the distance, however since it was foggy, this is not very noticeable. 

Shooting Day #4 - Alleyway

This was our last day of filming, and it was shot in the Alleyway. Dominika Malina (Eve) and myself (Anon) were to be acting in this scene, consisting of Eve walking down the alleyway, spotting Anon who is approaching her, resulting in a chase. There were a number of times when we had to stop filming because someone was walking down the alleyway and we did not want them in the shot. The shots where Anon were the hardest to film as I had to try and keep up with Dominika, and my group member Georgina, who was filming, had to keep up with me. We decided to improvise a POV shot of Anon aiming the gun and running whilst Eve was running away, however this meant I had to hold the gun, whilst Georgina held the camera and we had to run at the same time, which did not have satisfactory result. 

Voice Over Recording
Like with the park scene, we created a script for Anon's warning message to the drug addicts. 

We created three practice recordings prior to the final recordings we were to create in the recording studio.It was a way to experiment with the audio edits to help make the voice sound slightly distorted. It also let us experiment with the way the voice-over would be spoke, either aggressively or slow and threatening.
Georgina and myself recorded this speech in the school's recording studio. We recorded both of us saying the speech so that there could be a back-up narration should one not be up to a satisfactory standard, also becuase we had an idea that we could mash up the two voices when editing the audio tracks as this would make the character sound much more 'anonymous' so that no one could detect who the character is by their voice.

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