Wednesday 4 January 2017

Flat Planning


Here is my plan for the poster. The design has changed slightly since my last ideas and update post. The original idea was to have the drug addicts at the bottom of the poster, and there will be smoke forming the shape of the anonymous mask, however, I thought that this might make Anon look too antagonising, so I decided to switch the idea around so that the drug addicts will be the ones formed out of smoke, but not entirely, as they will still be opaque, only the bottom half of them will transition into smoke. I thought I would incorporate the title of the film onto the back of a dark laptop to make it stand out more, and to make it seem as if it is incorporated into the image to make it more atheistically pleasing. The background will be dark blue, though I am also considering incorporating a transition to orange or red on different areas or half of the poster to help make it more eye catching and to add some colour variation. Like most film posters, the actors names will be listed at the top of the page, and the credits will be written at the bottom, under the title.  

Magazine Cover:

The magazine cover has not changed from my last plan. The main image will feature Anon and Alice standing back to back. Anon might be  slightly lifting their mask, whilst Alice will be looking at Anon angrily. The poses are subject to change depending on how the photos will come out in a future photoshoot. The barcode will be placed at the bottom right of the page in order to not draw attention away from the main image and sell line. The background will be made out of smoke in either just whit, or with additional blue and red highlights. The additional sell lines are going to be altered so that it looks as if they have a perspective, directing towards the middle of the image, as I think this will help to draw more attention to the main image. 


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