Wednesday 4 January 2017


RAF Upwood

RAF Upwood is a disused military base. All of the buildings on the site are deteriorated, and most have been vandalized with graffiti. This strongly fits the image we had for the drug den as it looks like a typical location where drug dealers would hang out. There is a strong possibility that we will need to obtain permission in order to enter the site and film, which will mean that there is no definite chance that we will be able to capture our footage here. It is also approximately 30 minutes (by car) outside of Peterborough, where we all live, which will mean that we will need to be driven to this location, however neither us nor our actors can drive. Should we film here we will need to find someone to take us and there is no guarantee that we can find someone. Considering how many of the buildings are falling apart and how there is likely lots of litter around, there could also be a risk to health and safety for both our actors and us. 

Below: Google Maps screenshot of distance and route from Peterborough. 
Images of the site:

RAF North Witham
Another potential location for the drug den is another former RAF base at North Witham. The site itself is larger, and the runways still remain, though vaguely hidden by trees and plants. The control tower is the only building on the site, and like Upwood, the building is deteriorated and has graffiti over most of the walls. As far as I know so far, we do not need permission to enter the building, which means we will not need to look for authorization, and that we can re-visit the site in the case that we may need to re-shoot some scenes or shoot new scenes if we do not have enough footage. Witham is further out than Upwood, and would take around 30-50 minutes to get to, in which the problem of actually getting to the location will arise. Again, there may be issues relating to health and safety since the building is crumbling apart, and in order to enter the building you will need to climb a stack of car tyres in order to get to the access point, which can be dangerous or may damage equipment in the process. As both Witham and Upwood are already abandoned buildings, it will only make the location seem more convincing to be a real drug den as opposed to dressing up a house to look abandoned. 

Below: Google Maps screenshot of distance and route from Peterborough.

Images of the site:


Another location we will likely use is the woods near our school. There is a public foot path going through the middle of it so we will not need to gain permission to film there. It is a site where both us and our actors will easily be able to travel to by walking, and where most, if not all of us, are familiar with. There could be an occasional dog-walker passing through, and could disrupt our filming if they feel offended by our presence, however the likeliness of this happening is very low.

There is a park near my house that is rarely visited during the winter months so it will not be overrun by children and their parents. This would not be ideal as the idea for filming in this location will be that two of our female druggies will be having a conversation about a missing friend, whilst exchanging drugs, and this would not set a good impression on children or their parents if they were to see this. Again, it is local to where I live, and is not too far away from our actor's houses or our school, and is easily accessible. It is a public park, so there should be no issue with gaining permission to film there.

We will use an alleyway near Georgina's (my other group member's) house to film a scene where Anon is chasing one of the female druggies. Like with the park, it is not too far to be able to walk to, it is also fairly close to the school. We will likely be filming this scene when it is dark, and since we will be filming in winter, the nights will be getting dark around 4-5pm, which will mean we will not be filming outside too late. Since it will be dark there will likely be not many people using this alleyway that might disturb our filming.

The video tour on the left was created by my group member Georgina Gilbey.

NPA Studio Room

The studio room will be used when Anon, the hacker, is preparing their warning message to the drug-addicts. The walls are thick and sound-proof, so there will be no noise disturbance. There are already studio lights in the room, should we need to provide additional lighting. As it is a part of the school, we do not need to gain permission, and everyone will be able to travel to this room.

If time and money were not a limiting factor...
We could possibly film in a larger city, such as London, but there would be a lot of costs with car fuel and it would take a number of hours to get to and from there. It would help to indicate to our audience that this is a British film, and large cities are usually where crime films are set, so they will help to show the genre of the film. 

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