Sunday 19 March 2017

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

My Audience

The importance of feedback in the media/film industry
Its important for a producer of a product to gain audience feedback. This is because it enables them to learn what appealed to their audience, and what didn't appeal, and also helps them gain an insight into what they can do to improve in order to alter their product in any way in order to fully appeal to their target audience. In the film industry, you might often come across unexpected results in audience feedback, finding out that an element in the film or film trailer that you thought would be a great asset, but instead is received with a negative appeal. This is why people in the media or film industry often create different ways in which an audience can give their feedback before the final product is released. This can be done in various ways.

Questionnaires - They might get an audience to fill in a questionnaire, asking about how they perceived the product and whether the product appealed to them. 
Comments on the internet - On video-sharing sites such as Vimeo or Youtube, or social media such as Facebook or Twitter, users are allowed to comment on the video in the comment sections on the websites. This way they can share their opinion on film trailers, even if it is simply stating their like of an actor or the special effects as this is still valuable feedback.
Test Screenings - This is where a sample of an audience is given the chance to see the early final cut of a film or trailer before it is fully released to the public. This is where the audience can give feedback on micro elements such as editing and sound, or by perhaps shortening the product duration, or switching footage around.

Critic Screenings - Where official film critics are allowed an advanced viewing of the product. These critics would then publicly release their opinions of the product, in which an audience might heavily rely on their reviews before checking out the final product itself. This also enables film makers to know whether they should expect positive or negative reviews from the general audience.

Interviews - Asking questions to the audience face-to-face can offer more in-depth and open minded feedback as they are not limited to what they can say like you might in a questionnaire.

Audience Feedback

Final Conclusion
The feedback I have received from my audience has given me a great insight into how to improve my products. As you can tell from the press above, a number of people who filled in my survey assumed that my poster was for a horror film rather than a crime film. This could obviously be assumed by the fact that the red on the poster had been heightened, and that the background of the poster, behind the transparent binary code, was black. I initially had placed Anon at the top of the page, but feared that this would make them seem too antagonistic, however they were deemed to look too horrifying. I could have resolved this issue if I had experimented more with the positioning of the characters on poster so that it did not look like Anon was too empowering over them, I could have created another photoshoot of Anon posing with the gun (and possibly the laptop) together so that the crime and technology themes can both be conveyed. I could have used these images on the poster and magazine so that the poster had a better use of mise-en-scene to suggest it is a crime film, and so that I had a better angle of Anon on the magazine cover so that the gun would not be hidden. If the filming schedule had stuck more to the original plan, then we could have re-shot some scenes, such as the running ones where the cinematography was not at it's greatest and tried alternative filming techniques that could have included a steadier camera so it is easier to see what is going on and better lighting so it is not too dark in some scenes that look too grainy.

Overall I am very pleased with the outcome of my products as they have received some very positive reviews, particularly the trailer once the soundtrack was changed.

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