Monday 17 October 2016

Film Posters

Typography - A particular style of font, used as a form of branding. 
Star Names - These draw audiences to watch the film and are usually associated with other roles. 
Tag Line - The film's slogan, which is usually memorable. 
Language and Mode of Address - The way in which a text speaks to the audience, usually persuasive or direct. 
Key Image -  The main image which usually suggests the narrative of the film. 
Action CodesA narrative code that might suggest what could happen in the film's story.
Enigma Codes - A narrative code that creates intrigue.
Iconography- The visual codes often associated with a particular genre.

In order to attract an audience to watch a film, you must first decide if your audience is a large mainstream audience, or a smaller niche audience. In order to create appeal to these audiences, you would use different approaches in order gain their attention.This would include the use of actors/celebrities, the layout/design, familiarity and novelty, and the mode of address to the audience. 

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