Tuesday 4 October 2016

Primary Audience Research Survey

1) What is your age?

2) What is your gender?

3) Do you think that a film trailer affects your decision at all to go watch or buy a film?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No

4) Where is it that you watch film trailers the most?
[  ] DVD
[  ] Cinema 
[  ] IMDb
[  ] Youtube
[  ] Social Media Sites 
[  ] Official film websites
[  ] Other

5) What particular aspect of a film trailer grabs your attention the most?
[  ] Moving Pictures (the film footage)
[  ] Cinematography (The way in which it has been filmed)
[  ] The Music/ Soundtrack
[  ] Actors/ Actresses
[  ] Spoken language
[  ] The Editing
[  ] The Director/ Producer 
[  ] Sound Effects
[  ] Special Effects

6) How often would you say you watch film trailers within a week? 
[  ] Everyday
[  ] Most Days
[  ] Rarely
[  ] Never

7) What type of genre of film do you usually prefer to watch?
[  ] Crime
[  ] Romance
[  ] Comedy
[  ] Horror
[  ] Action
[  ] Western
[  ] Family
[  ] Adventure
[  ] Drama
[  ] War 
[  ] Hybrids (e.g. Rom-com, comedy- musical)
[  ] Other

8) What type of themes do you like to be explored in a crime film?
[  ] Psychological
[  ] Political
[  ] Gender Issues
[  ] Racial Issues
[  ] Relationships
[  ] Other

9) Is there any particular crime genre film that entices you and/or one that you are put off from?

10) Are there any particular elements you would to see in a new film trailer to bring a more modern and fresh approach to the genre?

I posted this survey on surveymonkey, the survey can be found here:

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