Monday 17 October 2016

Secondary Audience Research

For the following films, I have taken the comparable profiles from the site:

Criminal ( April 2016)
This film was released earlier in the year on April 15th. Criminal is about a convict who has the memories and skills of a deceased CIA agent implanted into him so that he can fight against an international terrorist. This film is similar in the way that this is a criminal vs criminal type of crime film. It has been compared to the film Contraband. According to it'd profile, 15-24 year olds are the most likely to watch the film, which are the same age of people I plan for our film trailer to be targeted at. For the 7-11 and 12-14 categories the audience has been marked at 0%, meaning that people of such a young age do not have an interest in in a film like this. As the audience gets older, the percentage decreases, showing that those of elder ages do not have such a strong interest. A large percentage of the audience are males which is to be expected since females tend to find crime films less entertaining considering how they are usually male-driven. The majority of its audience are also from the AB category, containing people of the upper classes. 

Blood Father (October 2016)
The Blood Father is about an ex-con man who reunites with his estranged 16 year old daughter to protect her from drug-dealers who want to kill her.This film has been compared with Taken 3. Like in Criminal, the audience for this film is mainly male, although there is more of a female interest. This might be due to the fact that the protagonists are a father and a daughter, and as the audience for this film are 15-24 year olds, a female audience of this age group could possibly find this film relatable. There is more of an interest in this film for people who are 45+, this could be due to similar reasons as the increase of a female interest, since men of this age are likely to be fathers. Those of the lower middle class and working class are more common viewers of films of this kind.

I looked on YouGov Profiles to see what the demographic was for Taken 3. According to this site, the average person who likes Taken 3 is a  40-54 year old male who is in professions such as the police and other emergency services. Considering how Taken 3 is about a former government operative trying to clear his name for a murder he did not commit, it would make sense for people of these occupations to like a film like this since they have to deal with crime everyday if they were in the police force. Hobbies include spending time with family, car boot sales and motorcycling. General interests include movies, food & drink, and television. 

Live By Night (January 2017)
Live By Night is about a group of people dealing with the world of organised crime during the prohibition era. This film has been compared with Gangster Squad. Again, like the other two films, the audience is mainly male dominated being at 76%. Much like Blood Father, a high percentage of the audience is part of the C1 category, containing those of the lower middle class, which is not surprising considering how those in the police force are in the middle class category. This is the least popular with those in the AB category containing those of the upper classes as they might not find the film very relatable since it is about people in lower classes.  Over half of its audience is within the 15-24 year old range, with 0% being in the 7-14 categories. 

Goodfellas (1990)
For the film Goodfellas, the average audience member was 40-54 years of age, similar to Taken 3. They are within the ABC1 catagory, which is those of the upper classes. They are more left wing in terms of politics, and are in professions such as telecommunications, translation and interpretation, and media and publishing. The media and publishing profession would make sense for this audience as they might work in a field of news deliverance where they might have to report on local crimes, or they could work on a magazine, which could be a film magazine. They have interests in music, politics and movies, again, which can relate to their interest in crime films since they like films, and politics can relate to law and order. One of the hobbies listed was going to the cinema to watch a film. It states that people who like this film also like films such as Reservoire Dogs and Seven.

Seven (1995)
When looking at the YouGov profile for Seven, I can see a similar trend within the audience. Like before they are within a 40-54 year old range, are part of the ABC1 group and is male orientated. Like Goodfellas, professions the audience tend to have are within the media and publishing career. They are also part of the entertainment and civil society and charity careers. Like before, hobbies include going to the cinema, but also watching films on the TV. Interests include movies, books and music. Some people within this audience may be avid readers of crime-genre novels, and may like to see film-adaptations of them.

How does this research help me in the creation of my trailer?
The information I have found when studying similar films has helped me gain a better understanding of what groups of people would be most attracted to crime films. From this research, I can conclude that males are far more attracted to crime films than females are. In all three of the films I have looked at for recent films, the majority of the audience have been in the 15-24 age range, however the YouGov profiles from films that were released years ago have a range of 40- 54.  Those in the middle class seem to be the most attracted to crime films as well, though some of this can be due to the fact that police officers can be classes to be a part of the lower middle and working class, so they will have an interest in crime. 

My Target Audience
My target audience still stands to be aimed at 15-24 year olds. When looking at the audience profiles for crime films on YouGov, most of the audience appear to be within 40-60 years of age. Comparing this to the information given on Pearl & Dean, where most of the audience is said to be 15-24 years of age, despite 2/3 films having not being released as of yet so it is not yet known what people will like these films. There is a gap in the market for crime films to be targeted towards the younger generation, therefore I believe it will make sense to target towards people of this age group. 

Below is an audience profile I created for my typical audience member.

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