Monday 10 October 2016

Primary Audience Research Survey Results

 A total of 8 people answered my survey. Here are the results:
1) What is your age?
4 People said they were 17 
1 Person said they were 18
1 Person said they were 19
1 Person said they were 22
1 Person said they were 23
This is very convinient as this means that everyone who answered my survey is within the targeted age of my film trailer.  

2) What is your gender?
3 people said they were female
5 people said they were male  

Like in the previous question, this is very suitable for my research since there are more males than females who answered, and my film trailer is prodominantly targeted towards males. 
3) Do you think that a film trailer affects your decision at all to go watch or buy a film?

In this question, 7/8 people said that film trailers affect their decision to watch a film.  This tells me that a trailer will need to be made of a high quality in order to meet the standards that the audience expect, because this will change whether they will or will not watch the film.
4) Where is it that you watch film trailers the most?

Half of my respondents said that they watch film trailers on YouTube, a video streaming site. This would make sense as film studios or franchises have their own YouTube channels where they can upload as many videos as they would like. Viewers will be able to pause and rewatch the videos whenever they like and be able to like or comment their opinions. Three people stated they watch trailers on social media like Facebook or Twitter. Like on YouTube, viewers will be able to rewatch, like and comment whenever they want. Often these videos are shared via a Youtube link or uploaded via the sites own media player. One person said that they see trailers the most in the cinema. Some of the time you might see a film trailer premiere in a cinema before watching the feature-film before they are released onto the internet.

5) What particular aspect of a film trailer grabs your attention the most?
For this question, the majrity of the audience said that the cinematography helps to grab their attention the most in a trailer. This suggets to me that when filmining the trailer, I will need to put quite a bit of consideration as to how it will be filmed to make it look more unique to help draw the audience in. A smaller amount of the people who answered the question said that the moving images grab their attention the most. To me this means that we will need to choose wisely what scenes to incorporate into the trailer, that we will need to decide how to make them enigmatic to help create intrigue. One of the people who answered the survey said that the actors grab their attention the most. This might be due to the fact that they are a fan of or are aware of multiple actors/ actresses and seeing them in a trailer will draw their attention. It could also be due to the fact that the acting is very good, and that we should choose good actors when creating our trailers to make it seem like it has a higher budget and that it is not mediocre.

6) How often would you say you watch film trailers within a week?
For this question 62.5% of the contributors said that they watch film trailers most days in a week, whereas the remaining said that they rarely watch with trailers in a week. No one said that they never watch film trailers in a week, so this means that everyone who answered this survey watches at least one trailer per week, so they are likely to be up-to-date with trailers.

7) What type of genre of film do you usually prefer to watch?

Three people said that they prefer action films, two said they preferred crime films, one said they like comedy, one said they liked drama and one selected 'other', which they specified as historical. When combined, action and crime take up half of the audience, which to me is helpful information as it means that a high amounf of people in my target audience take an interest in the genres we will be using in our trailer.

8) What type of themes do you like to be explored in a crime film?

50% of those who answered said they'd like to see psycohological issues be explored in a crime film. This is likely due to the fact that mental health often plays a part in some people who commit the most severe crimes, and that awareness of mental health issues is becoming more apparent at this point in time, therefore it will leave a more modern approach on the genre. Other people answered saying they would like more political and racial issues, as we plan for the protagonists to all be criminals it will be unlikely that there will be any political issues raised since they are all disobeying the law, the racial issues is possible as there could be a racial diversity within the drug-users group. As we are only making a film trailer issues around psychology and race can only be hinted apon if it were to be used as it is not the main theme and the trailer will be too short to be able to elaborate too much on the topics.

9) Is there any particular crime genre film that entices you and/or one that you are put off from?

In these written responses, many people said that they like films when they are well shot and have unique cinematography, and films where the narrative is not conventional such as where it is not a simple law vs crime conflict which a high majority of crime films tend to use. Other people had stated that they like films where the antagonist has a clear motive why they are doing the things that they do, rather than them just acting bad for the sake of it. As we plan to create a crime film with a narrative to this, then it would mean that our audience would be interested in seeing it.


10) Are there any particular elements you would to see in a new film trailer to bring a more modern and fresh approach to the genre?

When asked what they would like to see in a new film trailer, my audience answered saying that they would like to both sides of a conflict with balanced morals and that there is no distinct good or bad character. Some participants suggested using more modern technology, this information is helpful since one of the characters we plan to have in our trailer is a hacker, this will mean they will need to be up to date with technology. Two other people also suggested making the film look more vibrant to defy the conventional dull, low saturated look crime films sometimes have. 

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection on results. Shame a few more people didn't answer the questions.
