Tuesday 4 October 2016

Primary Audience Research

Target audience for our film trailer. 
Age: 15-24 year olds - this is due to the mature themes we want to feature in the trailer such as violence, explicit language and drug use. This would not be appropriate for young audiences and it is unlikely that they will take an interest in the topic.  
Gender: As our film is of the crime genre, our target audience will primarily be made up of males as some females do not like the use of violence or films that include themes about law breaking. Typically it is men who like crime films, considering how the protagonist and criminals are usually males so the characters can be more relatable for men, and how women tend to play the damsel in distress or 'femme fetale' role. 
Likes: Our audience will like films or TV shows of a similar genre to crime such as action and thriller examples of TV shows being CSIBreaking Bad, Mr. Robot, or Sherlock as these tend to give an adrenaline rush to the audience or they just enjoy the themes explored. They might even like crime related video games such as Grand Theft Auto or Heavy Rain
Dislikes: They would likely avoid watching films of an entirely different genre such as chick flicks, musicals or romance, or just simply predictable films or film trailers that are filled with cliched elements. 
Hobbies: Watching film and TV shows, researching psychological related topics. They might also enjoy reading and writing stories or novels. 
Career: People of our target audience will likely have or is training for a career related to crime such as a prison officer, a police officer, or a lawyer.  

Here is my perception of what my average target audience member is (which I created with a drawing tablet and Photoshop 7). They are aproximately around 19-21 years old and is a male since it is usually males who are targeted in other crime films and because males tend to prefer the genre more than females. Asformentioned, he will be into watching both American and British films and TV shows that are related to the crime genre as well as a number of video games. They will prefer convention-breaking films, particularly when there is not distinct good or bad character, and where the character roles are reversed (e.g. the protagonist is the criminal and the antagonist is the police).

To gain a better understanding of my target audience and their preferences for crime film trailers, I will conduct a survey to find out what they want to see in a new trailer.  

1 comment:

  1. Love that sketch. Almost looks like me...

    This post is not really primary research. Its more secondary. Change the post title.
